Sell Luxury Bags
This post features 33 of the best places to sell designer handbags online and offline whether you have some brand new pieces or ones that are gently used.
Sell luxury bags. Our fearless leader tracy dinunzio and the amazing tradesy team are here to make tradesy the safest and most stylish place for you to buy sell and connect with fashionable women across the world. A small bag with a long strap like celine s classic bag is an excellent addition to lighter more fluid looks. Well your old handbags can be a treasure too. Three reasons why fashionphile is the place to sell your preowned luxury accessories.
Our base fee is only 30 of the selling price you keep 70 but for bags selling for over 3 000 the tiered fee structure drops to only 15 you keep 85 of the portion of the selling price above 3 000. Designer handbags designer purses fine jewelry buy today or rent for a month michael kors chanel louis vuitton gucci kate spade tory burch. If you are looking for a handbag that is a bit different try designs by fashion house chloƩ who has adeptly introduced innovative contours into luxury leather goods. We ll appraise your unused handbags and buy them from you.
We ll assess any items that need cleaning or restored. At tradesy we get you because we were built by women just like you. Pre owned designer handbags are a popular consignment item. Whether you want to find people to sell to locally or try your hand selling handbags to people all over the world i have you covered.
Either way now you know how and where to sell your designer bags and purses for cash both online and locally somewhere near you. Sell your high end designer handbags for good cash. If you ve given your old purse all the love you have to give or you just rediscovered that old tote you never wore. Free shipping and instant quotes.
Discover more about your collection the brands and their history from our handbag experts. They can be a great source for immediate cash or a great way to save for something new. You can earn up to 80 of their selling price. Keep your collection fresh with vetted and rebag approved styles or bring us your once loved pieces for an instant price offer.
Of course your high end purses are nowhere near trashy but if you feel like it s time to move on then it s nice to know the best places to sell designer bags. The marketplace made by women for women.