Senate Holding Floor

Convene for a pro forma session.
Senate holding floor. Senate calendar latest issue executive calendar latest issue pdf previous meeting thursday sep 24 2020 the senate convened at 10 00 a m. If the senator provides notice privately to their party leadership of their intent and the party leadership agrees then the hold is known as a secret or anonymous hold. Another message will be sent as more is known about the remainder of this week s vote schedule. Unique to the upper chamber holds can be understood.
The death of supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg less than two months from the presidential election has forced a reexamination of republicans 11 month blockade of merrick garland in 2016. 2 record votes were taken. In the united states senate a hold is a parliamentary procedure permitted by the standing rules of the united states senate which allows one or more senators to prevent a motion from reaching a vote on the senate floor. Only once the senate has agreed to consider a bill may senators propose amendments to it.
In most cases cloture requires the support of three fifths of the senate. The hill 1625 k street nw suite 900 washington dc 20006 202 628 8500 tel 202 628 8503 fax. The floor marathon comes as the white house is struggling to find a. The senate may end a filibuster by invoking cloture.
Stream live senate floor proceedings while a meeting is in progress. At a time to be determined thursday the senate will vote on confirmation of young nomination. Daily digest latest issue. And adjourned at 4 22 p m.
Floor action on h r 8337 the continuing resolution is expected prior to the end of the fiscal year. Floor proceedings monday sep 28 2020 2 45 p m. Senate floor transcript to consider a bill on the floor the senate first must agree to bring it up typically by agreeing to a unanimous consent request or by voting to adopt a motion to proceed to the bill as discussed earlier. The longest filibuster speech in the history of the senate was delivered by strom thurmond who spoke for over twenty four hours in an unsuccessful attempt to block the passage of the civil rights act of 1957.
The contents of this site are 2020 capitol hill publishing corp a subsidiary of news. Senate democrats are planning to hold the floor on tuesday evening for an hours long talk a thon on the issue of gun violence. Search and watch previous proceedings starting with the 2 nd session of the 112 th congress.